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We’ve been with Effective Goalkeeping for over 3 months now, the progress in Wilson has been incredible to witness. Danny made him feel comfortable from the start, and with just a couple of 1-2-1 sessions Danny could see what skills Wilson needed to work on and knew how communicate with Wilson, and most importantly keep his attention.

Since he’s been in group sessions he has come on leaps and bounds, Danny is always so encouraging and has a great bond with the boys.
Danny has help Harry gain confidence in his own ability and has help him grow in the position of being a goalkeeper can’t recommend effective goalkeeping enough.


Danny has helped Harry gain confidence in his own ability and has help him grow in the position of being a goalkeeper can’t recommend effective goalkeeping enough.


We started with 1-2-1 with Danny after being recommended by another great little goalie, Dan explained just as much to us as he did to Buddy coaching us all along the way!
Since starting we’ve moved onto group sessions with a great group of boys, Dan encourages each and every one of them and has grown Buds confidence without a doubt.
Dans knowledge & skill and the way he delivers it to the kids is second to none!
My son has only been coming along to training for just over a month but it’s great to see the improvement during games from what he has learnt from Danny.
He first started at a time when he wasn’t enjoying playing and his confidence was very low. It’s great to see him enjoying it again which is down to the training sessions that he enjoys.



Alfie has been doing 1-2-1’s with Danny since the summer and it’s been amazing how much Alfie has improved.
They have a great understanding of each other and it has pushed Alfie to another level.


When we made the move to Effective Goalkeeping, Orlando had already been taught the basics elsewhere.
Since being with Danny, his improvement is second to none. He works hard, listens and does exactly what is asked of him, and as Parents we can’t ask for more.
Thanks Danny Sambridge.



Danny has helped Luke become the keeper he is Today.
He’s patience and understanding with the keepers is first class. Would not go anywhere else.



Frank has been with Danny just over a year and the progression in Frank has been amazing.
Frank loves his sessions with Danny every week and always finishes his sessions happy and buzzing.


Harry has been going to Danny for 3 years now. From when he first started to now is massive transformation, not only had this made him into the keeper he is today but the relationship/friendship harry has also built with Danny is truly amazing to see. Harry enjoys every session he has with Danny and most of all comes away with a smile on his face looking forward to the next session.


Our Success Stories

The effectiveness of our methods is evident in the numerous success stories that have emerged from our training sessions. We have witnessed children with little to no prior football experience fall deeply in love with the art of goalkeeping.

Our keepers have been lauded for their dedication and performance, with many winning coveted player of the season awards. Several of our goalkeepers have risen through the ranks, moving up divisions, and continuing their development with new teams. A proud feather in our cap is watching some of our most dedicated keepers make the significant leap into academy football, signing with professional clubs.

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